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(Total Cases: 308) 1 of 16
No.308 Musculoskeletal [MS]- - M/66, palpable mass at right anterior thigh (D:1 year), pain during compression or walking up the stairs
What is your diagnosis?
Hwang Ji Young 2025-02-10  [0 articles]  Hit : 168
No.307 Genitourinary [GU]- - M/63, weight loss
What is the best diagnosis?
장원 2025-01-25  [0 articles]  Hit : 267
No.306 Pediatric [Ped]- - F/2, Incidental finding in left upper abdomen during follow up
What is your diagnosis?
Mi-Jung Lee 2025-01-10  [0 articles]  Hit : 331
No.305 Hepatobiliary [HB]- - F/33, Incidental liver lesion, Previously healthy; WBC count 6.9K, eosinophil 9.8%, CA19-9 normal
What is the diagnosis
Seungchul Han 2024-12-25  [0 articles]  Hit : 413
No.304 Breast- - F/31, Lt. breast pain and pus for 2 months
What is your diagnosis?
박영진 2024-12-10  [0 articles]  Hit : 374
No.303 Head & Neck [H&N]- - M/24, Hypothyroidism
초음파검사에서 발견된 종양에 대한 진단으로 가장 가능성이 높은 것을 고르시오.
Hyun Kyung Lim 2024-11-25  [0 articles]  Hit : 378
No.302 Gastrointestinal [GI]- - M/66, RLQ pain, incidentally detected retroperitoneal mass during appendectomy
What is your diagnosis?
Young Seo Cho 2024-11-10  [0 articles]  Hit : 387
No.301 Musculoskeletal [MS]- - F/54, Medial thigh pain
What is your best diagnosis?
Sun Joo Lee 2024-10-25  [0 articles]  Hit : 413
No.300 Genitourinary [GU]- - F/24, Pelvic pain 으로 시행한 초음파상 우연히 발견된 양측 난소 종괴
What is your diagnosis?
Myoung Seok Lee 2024-10-10  [0 articles]  Hit : 382
No.299 Pediatric [Ped]- - F/6, Right hip pian
Hee Mang Yoon 2024-09-25  [0 articles]  Hit : 395
No.298 Hepatobiliary [HB]- - F/36, RUQ abdominal tenderness for 1 day
What is your diagnosis?
Sanghyeok Lim 2024-09-10  [0 articles]  Hit : 481
No.297 Breast- - F/76, Left breast palpable mass
What is the diagnosis for the left breast mass?
Keum Won Kim 2024-08-25  [0 articles]  Hit : 432
No.296 - - M/55, Incidental thyroid nodule in staging chest CT (NSCLC)
What is your most likely diagnosis?
이지예 2024-08-10  [0 articles]  Hit : 405
No.295 Cardiovascular and Interventional [Cvi]- - M/44, Left arm pain and swelling. Underlying chronic myeloid leukemia
What is the most likely diagnosis?
Eun Ju Chun 2024-07-25  [0 articles]  Hit : 308
No.294 Gastrointestinal [GI]- - M/42, abdominal pain
What is your best diagnosis?
Eun Sun Lee 2024-07-10  [0 articles]  Hit : 402
No.293 Musculoskeletal [MS]- - F/35, left leg weakness and mass at distal thigh
What is your diagnosis of the mass?
Hwang Ji Young 2024-06-25  [0 articles]  Hit : 415
No.292 Genitourinary [GU]- - M/10, Focal testicular lesion
What is the best diagnosis?
Weon Jang 2024-06-10  [0 articles]  Hit : 495
No.291 Pediatric [Ped]- - M/0, prenatal brain lesion (Hx: IUP 39+3 weeks, 3.28 kg, C-sec)
What is your diagnosis?
Mi-Jung Lee 2024-05-25  [0 articles]  Hit : 732
No.290 Hepatobiliary [HB]- - M/82, Non-B Non-C liver cirrhosis, s/p op for HCC, referred for RFA
Which laboratory data can provide the most essential clue for the diagnosis?
Seungchul Han 2024-05-10  [0 articles]  Hit : 732
No.289 Breast- - F/41, Right breast palpable mass
What is your possible diagnosis ?
Keum Won Kim 2024-04-25  [0 articles]  Hit : 880
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