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(Total Cases: 290) 10 of 15
No.110 Hepatobiliary [HB]- - M/58, 검진에서 발견된 간종괴
What is your diagnosis?
최준일 2016-03-15  [0 articles]  Hit : 663
No.109 Breast- - F/57, Palpable lump in Rt. breast for a long period
She was diagnosed with sclerosing adenosis by core needle biopsy in 2006. She re-visited our hospital because of outside mammographic abnormality in 2015. What is your diagnosis?
Park, Young Mi 2016-03-03  [0 articles]  Hit : 475
No.108 Genitourinary [GU]- - F/28, 산전 초음파 이상 소견
임신 8주 5일 산모가 산전 초음파 이상 소견으로 의뢰되었다. 화살표가 가리키는 부위의 명칭은?
min hoan moon 2016-02-15  [0 articles]  Hit : 496
No.107 Gastrointestinal [GI]- - M/51, Left lower quadrant pain
What is your diagnosis?
Se Hyung Kim 2016-02-02  [0 articles]  Hit : 559
No.106 Cardiovascular and Interventional [Cvi]- - F/27, neck pain
What is the diagnosis?
Yeo Koon Kim 2016-01-15  [0 articles]  Hit : 632
No.105 Head & Neck [H&N]- - M/52, Abnormal finding on chest CT
Possible diagnosis?
Hyun Kyung Lim 2016-01-04  [1 articles]  Hit : 665
No.104 Musculoskeletal [MS]- - M/71, buttock mass
What is your diagnosis?
Hye Won Chung 2015-12-15  [0 articles]  Hit : 587
No.103 Gastrointestinal [GI]- - M/15, Hematochezia
What is your diagnosis?
Joon-Il Choi 2015-12-01  [0 articles]  Hit : 572
No.102 Pediatric [Ped]- - M/5, Left scrotal painful swelling
What is your diagnosis?
Bo-Kyung Je 2015-11-13  [0 articles]  Hit : 467
No.101 Breast- - F/24, Palpable lump in the right breast
What is your impression?
Hee Jung Shin 2015-10-30  [0 articles]  Hit : 579
No.100 Genitourinary [GU]- - M/16, right scrotal pain
what is your diagnosis?
Sung Il Jung 2015-10-15  [0 articles]  Hit : 467
No.99 Hepatobiliary [HB]- - F/56, Abdominal discomfort
What is your diagnosis?
Se Hyung Kim 2015-10-02  [0 articles]  Hit : 446
No.98 Cardiovascular and Interventional [Cvi]- - M/43, neck swelling
What is the diagnosis?
Yeo Koon Kim 2015-09-17  [0 articles]  Hit : 424
No.97 Head & Neck [H&N]- - M/70, S/P Left thyroid lobectomy. Abnormal finding on follow-up US. FNAB result: nondiagnostic
임현경 2015-09-01  [1 articles]  Hit : 517
No.96 Musculoskeletal [MS]- - M/35, Palpable mass in the right inguinal fossa
대부분은 정상적인 모양을 유지하고 있는 inguinal lymph node의 일부에서 mass lesion이 관찰되는데 무엇을 감별해야 할까요?
류정아 2015-08-13  [0 articles]  Hit : 547
No.95 Gastrointestinal [GI]- - F/51, Incidentally detected mass in the liver
What is your diagnosis?
Se Hyung Kim 2015-07-31  [0 articles]  Hit : 459
No.94 Pediatric [Ped]- - M/1 day, fetal ventriculomegaly
What is the diagnosis?
Jung-Eun Cheon 2015-07-14  [0 articles]  Hit : 365
No.93 Breast- - F/46, palpable lump in Lt. breast
What is your diagnosis?
박영미 2015-06-30  [0 articles]  Hit : 352
No.92 Genitourinary [GU]- - F/38, 태아 심장 평가
태아의 심장 평가에 기본이 되는 삼혈관 영상 (three vessel view)이다. 굽은 화살표가 가리키는 구조물은?
Min Hoan Moon 2015-06-15  [0 articles]  Hit : 238
No.91 Hepatobiliary [HB]- - M/55, abdominal pain
김성현 2015-06-01  [0 articles]  Hit : 331
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